Got a Long Company Name ? Learn 3 Tips for Awesome Logo Design

For your company logo to make an impact, it must be catchy and memorable. However, this is difficult to achieve if your company name has many words and characters. That is why I have decided to cover some unique way to tackle this challenge by offering 3 tips for designing logo for a long company name. 1. Abbreviate Company Name I know you are in love with your company and its name, but to energize your logo you might need to use a shorter version of your company name. Here, you abbreviate the company name and craft your logo with the resulting abbreviation letters. You can achieve this by retaining only the initials e.g Thomson's Harpers Restaurant abbreviated to THI and the letters rearranged to design a remarkable piece of logo. An alternative is to adopt the first or the most important word in the company and discard the others and eventually end up with a shortened name that can be easily manipulated to produce the right effect. If you were hired by clients as a lo...